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Scouts Troop 85 Update

Summer for the Scouts started with a bang!

The Troop was part of the Lake City annual Fourth of July celebration helping in parking and directing traffic.

On Saturday, July 31, Troop 85 toured the ancient riverbed known as the Ichetucknee Trace to learn how nutrients from our yards, septic tanks and sewer systems contaminate the aquifer. The Troop started their tour at Alligator Lake and the head waters of the Ichetucknee River. The Troop made stops at the Rose Sink in Columbia City and the City of Lake City Wetlands Project on Sisters Welcome Road. Minimizing water pollution aligns with Boy Scouts ethics, Leave No Trace. The day of education was concluded with swimming and grilling out on the Santa Fe River. Participating Scouts earned one of their requirements for the Environmental Science Merit Badge.

The Scouts and Troop leaders enjoying the cool water of Santa Fe River.

A Court of Honor was held on August 16th at the Mt. Beulah Baptist Church Fellowship Hall.

Congratulations to Jacob Kuzyk, Dakota Beichner, Hunter Randall, Joshua Livengood, Josiah Wheeler,

Bronson Cooper, Joel Aponte, Draco Thompson, Ben Lewis and Tristan Rainflower-Wilks. These Scouts worked hard to earn their Merit Badges.

NFC - New Mask Guidance for Thompson S. Baker Scout Service Center and Camp Properties

Updated COVID-19 Protocols- Masks- The health, safety and well-being of our members, staff, and volunteers is a top priority for the North Florida Council, BSA. With that in mind and with the recent surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in our area, we are now requiring that masks be worn while inside the Thompson S. Baker Scout Service Center and at all our Camp Properties, District and Council events when you are indoors. Scouting Units should consult their chartered organization for guidance when conducting unit meetings/activities at the facilities of the Chartered Organization.

This change in our policy follows newly released guidance from the CDC.

Additionally, we need to keep doing the following things:

• If you are not vaccinated, please give serious consideration to getting vaccinated. The Vaccine is the best line of defense to slow and stop the spread of the virus as well as prevent you and others from becoming seriously ill if you get the virus.

• If you are sick, stay home.

• This would mean fever, chills, coughs, sore throat, etc.

• Physical distance- stay at least 6 feet apart from people you don’t live with.

• Wash your hands, frequently.

• Use hand sanitizer- we have stations throughout all our facilities.

• Do not attend any activity/meeting/event if you or anyone you live with has been tested for COVID-19 or another illness and does not have the results back yet.

• Please consult with your chartered organization as to requirements and guidance that they have for unit meetings and use of their facilities by Scouting participants. Follow the Restart Scouting Checklist

• Please consult for updates.

Our decisions are made after taking into consideration the many different populations that we serve, including unvaccinated adults, children, and high-risk individuals. We will continue to share any policy updates as quickly as it is safe and practical to do so, and these policies will continue to evolve as needed. As always, please exhibit the Scout Oath and Law as we continue to navigate a safe return to the activities we enjoy.

We appreciate everyone's understanding and support to help us all stay healthy together!

About Our Troop Newsletter:

Information compiled by Gerri Kuzyk, Troop Leader. All information is subject to change at any time. If you would like to contribute to this newsletter, contact Gerri at

Fundraiser Corner

Our fundraiser that is delicious and inexpensive is still going.

Country Meats is a locally based company out of Ocala, Florida and has been a longtime supporter of Scouts. They have an incentive program to earn patches.

These meats are high in protein, low in carbs and taste wonderful! How much do they sell for—only $1.00!!! For each stick sold the Scout gets $.45 into their account.

By Gerri Kuzyk, Troop Leader

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