Hopefully, this finds you all doing well and not going TOO stir crazy! It’s a real challenge to keep on with this “hibernation” that will keep us healthy. If you want something to do, call a church member to check on them. Remember, you’re calling to check on them, not to tell them your woes! It’s hard not to do that sometime. We hope that it won’t be too long before we can all be together again at our beautiful church, although, it will be a different way that we’re used to.
Ken is thinking of ways that we can worship together while remaining safe and healthy and with the Session’s blessing, we’ll begin our new worship pattern. Remember that we’ll have to wear masks, sit apart, keep our 6-foot distance while entering and exiting. There will be no nursery. We’re going to get thru this. Keep your faith. We hope to see you soon----how can we figure out how to do hugs through the computer?!?!
By Cheryl Whigham, Elder