By Diane Ellis, Elder
As I write this, Thanksgiving is only a few days away, and then Advent is upon us. I cannot help but give thanks for the myriad blessings God has so graciously granted me. The list is long, but I am especially grateful to be a part of this loving, generous church family. As Finance Chair, I continue to thank God for you and your faithfulness in giving financially, so that the missions of this church continue even during a pandemic. I’m thankful for all who have turned in their 2021 pledge card, and also for those who are still prayerfully considering God’s will for you in your giving. I want you to know how important your pledges are in the planning for the upcoming year. Finance Committee recommendations to Session concerning the upcoming year’s budget are based on the results of the stewardship drive. Your pledge, regardless of amount, is important.
As we enter into the Advent season, I pray God’s blessing of peace, comfort and
joy for each of you.
Monthly Reports - October
Finances October Year to Date
Contributions $94,780.21* $401,897.48*
Expenses -$38,299.91 -$332,017.50
Excess/Deficit $56,480.30* $69,879.98*