Can you believe how quickly this summer is passing by? Soon September will be here, and we’ll be returning to our church activities that we enjoy and have missed this past year. Rally Day is on September 12th, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could fill the sanctuary with worshippers on that day. If you know someone who hasn’t returned to church, invite that person back to church. Some may just need a little nudge or word of encouragement to get back in the habit of attending. While we all want our church to grow, we need to remember to encourage our church family to be present and participate.
Our church has been blessed with the addition of three new members. Look for a write-up of each of them in the next Presby Press. Our online presence continues to remain steady this summer with people worshiping on Sundays and during the week. This is exciting!
Greeting each person on Sunday mornings is a way to let everyone know they are welcome in our church. This is such an important ministry! If you would be interested in greeting at the Sanctuary door let Bev, Bonnie or Herb know. It means so much to see a smiling face as we enter the church. It could also give you to chance to meet someone you might not know.
The words of 1 Peter 4:10 remind us to use our God given talents and pass them on: “God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God’s many kinds of blessings.” Thank you for using your special abilities to encourage our visitors and members!
By Bev Anthony, Elder