Christian Education is planning a BACK TO SCHOOL SPLASH DAY for elementary age children in early August. We will have different water activities for the kids so stay tuned for the date.
I want to give a big thank you to everyone who helped with VBS. We had a wonderful crew who gave up a week of their time to provide this fun experience. The kids learned about how God’s power pulls us through life’s challenges. The kids had fun and I know I did. These are the wonderful people who made this week happen. Marty Fraser, Mike Millikin, Jackie Acosta, Tim Redding, Becky Striebel, Janie Killian, Lisa Smith, Suzanne & Lee McDuffie, Nikki Hubler, Lenore Matsubara, Roberta Whitaker, Carole Brown, Abby Adams, Beverly Schulz, Olivia Adams, Kitty Dennison, Linda Yocum, and Bonnie Taylor. The kitchen crew led by Jan Osborne were Martha Adams, Debbie Spencer, Jo Hentzelman, Jennie Bryan, Ruth Knoper and Cheryl Whigham. Our church family really shared their talents during the week and I feel so blessed to have been able to participate with them. Thank you so much!

By Anne Carroll, Elder