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Mission Outreach Committee

Writer's picture: FPCLCFPCLC

Committee Members: Lisa Smith, Diane St. John, Rosemary Canfield, Anne Carroll, Larry Zimmerman

We are excited to welcome two new members, Anne Carroll and Larry Zimmerman, to our Mission Outreach committee! Thank you so much for being on our team!


The Mission Outreach Committee has already signed up for the Angel Tree Program 2023! This ministry serves the children of prisoners, assisting the incarcerated by providing Christmas gifts for their children. An “Angel” decorated Christmas tree will be in the Fellowship Hall in November. Each child will have two angels on the tree, one for a clothing gift and one for a fun gift. You may choose an angel and then return it to the church. As always, remember to sign your name next to the Angel you choose!

The Committee will wrap and organize the gifts by families in preparation for our designated distribution day.

The Committee will invite the families to the Fellowship Hall to distribute the gifts to children before Christmas. Last year we were able to distribute all but 2 of the gifts that day.

We contacted the families and were able to distribute the gifts before Christmas.

We served three Angel Tree children with our Back to School Boutique in August which provided clothing, socks, and underwear to start the new school year.


We are continuing with the Backpack Program that provides weekend food for 30 children at Melrose Elementary School. Rosemary and Lisa meet twice a month and prepare 60 bags of food for the students. Lisa then delivers the bags to Melrose. Donations for this program can be left on the table by the Mission room in the Education Building. See Lisa Smith or any other committee member if you would like to help with the food for this mission. There is a list of items needed for this ministry on the bulletin board next to the Mission room. Here are the food items needed: Capri Sun/Juice boxes, Ravioli, Spaghetti and meatballs, Vienna Sausage, Beanie Weanees, Mac-n-Cheese, Peanut Butter, Crackers, Applesauce, Fruit Cups (peaches), Fruit Snacks, Raisins, Granola Bars, Pop-Tarts, Oatmeal packets, Grit packets, individual Cereal boxes, and individual packs of Cookies.

As always, we sent home extra food in the backpacks for Spring Break, and we know that our backpack kids did not go hungry over the vacation week. Thank you to all that support our backpack ministry. Your gifts of food and funds are greatly appreciated. A special thank you to the adult Sunday School class for your generosity!


Loud Offering is the 2nd Sunday of each month so you can get rid of excess change. Feel free to include some “quiet offering” as well, as this money helps support the Backpack ministry and the Back to School Boutique.


Mission is providing 2 meals per month through the Feed My Lambs program. Diane cooks 10 pans of ziti and delivers them to the church, Lisa purchases a dessert and fruit for the meal and brings it to the church. Diane and Lisa share the job of buying the large cans of green beans. We never know if the store will have enough for us! The Mission cart is loaded with these items before Tuesday when Sharon Person picks the food up and delivers it to St. James Episcopal church.


The Blessing Box is located in front of the Church office building on Hwy 90. We provide food and toiletry items for anyone in need. There is a basket on the stage in the Fellowship Hall for any donations of toiletries or food items for the box. Toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, soap, wash clothes, shampoo (travel size), would be appreciated! Every week Lisa puts the food and toiletry items in the box.


We are hoping to partner with the Christian Service Center again this fall before school starts, to join them in providing shoes for children. This was a wonderful ministry we participated in last year. We partnered with Bryan Sports and had a great compliment from them for our church’s enthusiastic participation!


David Lawrence, the Missionary we help support, is working in Erbil, Iraq with his wife Kris.

We are grateful for the investment so many of you have made in prayer and financial support through the years. We praise the Lord for our partnership in the Gospel!

If any of these projects interest you, or you would like to know more about being a part of the Mission Committee, please contact Lisa Smith or any member of the Mission Outreach Committee.

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