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Girl Scouts Troop 9085 Update

The girls of Troop 9085 started off the new year with camping at Camp Francis in Keystone Heights, FL. Along with Girl Troop 9223, the girls gained some experience with cold weather

camping with temperatures dipping into the 30s at night. The girls began the Cooking Merit Badge by learning about food safety and cooking healthy meals. That night, they cooked BBQ in the Dutch Oven.

February brought some sunshine, so the troop traveled to Mike Ross Gold Branch State Park for some hiking and geocaching. During the hike, they learned how to measure the height of a tree without special tools by using a stick and a known height (in this case, one of the girls). Also, they tested different methods of water purification and learned to cook on a camp stove with freeze-dried food.

In March, the girls completed the Cooking Merit Badge and successfully completed rank requirements. Congratulations for a job well done, ladies!

April’s camp-out was a soggy one, but that did not stop the ladies of Troop 9085. The girls stayed at Mr. Mont’s farm in Suwannee County and enjoyed adventure near the river. They

practiced their pioneering skills by making a flagpole and trash can from bamboo and rope and worked on other rank requirements. They built bird houses to sell at the Spring Market on May 8th in Olustee Park. A young lady from Pack 85 joined us as part of her Arrow of Light requirements.

Troop 9085 has 5 scouts and 2 leaders registered for summer camp at Camp Woodruff, GA, in June. The leaders would like to express our gratitude to an anonymous donor for their

assistance with our camp fees. We really appreciate it!

Troop 9085 meets Thursday nights from 6 PM to 7:30 PM – now in the Education Bldg – if you know of any young ladies that might be interested in the outdoors and learning new skills.

By Assistant Scoutmaster L. “Dessa” Beichner

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