Wednesday evening choir rehearsal is back! These rehearsals will begin with cantata practice, and we plan to present our cantata in worship on Palm Sunday, April 10. If you’re interested in singing the Easter cantata with us, please join us in the sanctuary at 6:30 on Wednesday evenings. (There will be a short rehearsal following the Prayers for World Peace service on Wednesday, March 2.) We will also resume Sunday morning rehearsals at 9:30am, starting March 6.
The cantata is called “Christ Is Risen! A Choral Suite for Holy Week,” arranged by Marty Parks, and will tell the story of Holy Week, from Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (“Blessed Is the One!”) to his last supper with the disciples on Maundy Thursday (“Remembrance”), from his suffering and death on Good Friday (“The Mercy of the Cross”) to his glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday (“Forever”). We would love for you to join us as we share the timeless message of Christ’s victory over death and tell the world HE LIVES!
If you are interested in participating in music ministry at First Presbyterian Church of Lake City, please feel free to call the church office at 386-752-0670, email me at, speak to me before or after worship on Sunday, or just show up!

By Tim Redding, Music Director / Worship Coordinator