By Tim Redding, Music Director/Worship Coordinator
It has been nice to see some familiar faces in worship (well, at least the tops of your faces)! If you would like to attend worship in person, remember to RSVP by calling the church office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10am until 2pm. If you feel safer worshiping online, that is great, and I am thankful that we have the technology to offer that option.
Remember: wherever we are, we are the Church, and God has work for us to do!
Our October special services, World Communion Sunday and Reformation Sunday, will look a little different this year. If you are not attending in person for World Communion Sunday on October 4th, you may call the church office to pick up pre-packaged cups with bread and juice; you may also prepare your own elements at home with the bread and juice of your choice. For Reformation Sunday, we regret that our bagpiper will not be returning this year but pray that we can welcome him and his amazing talent again in 2021. We will have the tartan banners on display in the sanctuary for that service to celebrate our Presbyterian heritage.

Lastly, plans for Advent and Christmas services are still in the works, but I have put together a Christmas program (“Christmas Around the World”) which will be a Lessons and Carols service, and will include carols from Ireland, Japan, Finland, Venezuela, Canada, China, and many more countries.
This “cantata” will be presented by the worship band, handbell team, and a quartet of singers. Handbells began rehearsal in the Fellowship Hall on September 30th, and the singers will begin individual rehearsals at home before we get together for our first in-person rehearsal.
God bless you all, and I pray that you are staying healthy and safe!