SCOUTS TROOP 9085 - Every year, in February, the Scouts BSA and Cub Scouts from our church participate in Scout Sunday. This year, we were proud to present the young ladies of our newest Scouts BSA troop - Troop 9085. Skylar Beichner, age 15, and Chloe Schmidgall, age 13, presented the sermon this year; both young ladies demonstrated the leadership and public speaking skill that we hope to instill in future community leaders. “I couldn’t be more proud of them,” said Scoutmaster Stephanie Wolff. Skylar and Chloe are the first young ladies in the troop, but more are soon to come. Pack 85 had girls join their ranks two years ago, and they now have several female scouts ready to graduate to the troop. Troop 9085 meets in the Education Building on Mondays from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Any young ladies (ages 11-17) that are up for adventure and learning leadership skills should call Mrs. Wolff at 386-406-1736 or email at

SCOUTS TROOP 85 - In the month of February the troop went to Olustee and we had a good time. While we were at Olustee the troop had a court of honor.
Tristan Wilks
Troop Historian