By Johnny Brown, Youth Director
Merry Christmas!!! Is it too early???
If ever there was a year that we needed to come together and give God thanks and
praise for Jesus, for God, in human form, coming down to our world and living, loving
and healing… 2020 is the year!
And we really do have so much to be thankful for. Coming out of the week of Thanksgiving, I know that I do. And one of the things that I’m thankful for is you. This Church family.
Last month I told you about how we were doing our Angel Tree bake sale a little different this year. Our Youth baked different items that could be individually wrapped. Then Shea and I collected the items and put them together into care packages.
Greyson and I had the privilege of taking these baskets to a few of our community service workers. We visited with 3 fire stations, 2 nursing stations and 2 law enforcement offices. All of our treats were received with great thanks and joy. Greyson was even made a "Junior Fireman" at one station!
We also had enough baked goodies that we put together some care bags that included Bibles and restaurant gift cards and handed them out to some of the homeless in our area. Greyson and I were truly blessed to be the serving hands of our church in this way.
Thank you for responding with your donations that went to support the Angel Tree project. You continue to amaze me with your willingness to support our group and the ministries of this Church!