A Light at the End of the Tunnel
Can you feel it???
Spring is around the corner.
The days are getting longer.
The sun feels warmer.
And we have been able to see each other a little more!
I’ve always been a very optimistic person; it’s just my nature and I believe it’s served me well in life. While I know that we have a long road ahead and we still need to be thoughtful and wise, I truly believe things are getting better.
Over the past few months, we’ve been blessed to consistently have in-person worship. The youth have been able to get together and have activities together outside. Bible studies have started back up. And along with all of these things, we continue to have a strong online and zoom presence.
As the temps rise and the days become more pleasant, it is my hope that life continues
to move back to a place that feels more normal (whatever that means).
Besides, Spring is a time that shines like hope! And the greatest hope that we have is in Jesus (Easter is right around the corner)!
With that in mind, be on the lookout for upcoming events. We are currently looking at
dates for Summer Camp. We will hopefully be having more outdoor get-togethers, and
we will try and finish up the Confirmation class this spring. Exciting stuff ahead - Let’s continue to hope and pray for healing.
I’m looking forward to seeing more of my Church Family!
By Johnny Brown, Youth Director