Members: Anne Carroll, Lisa Smith, Nancy Howe, Janie Killian, Lenora Matsubara, and Nikki Hubler
GOOD NEWS! We will be opening Sunday school for the elementary children, youth, and Christian Topics class for adults on October 3 at 9:30 am in the Education Building.
Sunday School Update:
The Montgomery class still needs someone to co-teach with Jay Fraser so if you feel led to help, please let one of the committee members know. We also need additional teachers for the K-2 and 3-5 elementary classes. If we don’t find teachers, there will be some Sundays they will not be able to meet. I feel certain we have some members who will be willing to step up and help. The material for the children is very easy to follow and the children have a pamphlet that goes along with the lesson. You are always welcome to come observe and see if God is calling you for this ministry.
Pastor Ken has started the Bible studies for women on Tuesday, men on Wednesday and “What it means to be Presbyterian” on Thursday, I would encourage you to participate in any class you choose either in person or online. They will enrich your faith by providing new insights about the Bible and your beliefs as a Presbyterian.
Some of the Life Groups are also meeting and others will be joining.
P.K.W. will be under the direction of Marty Fraser and we are so glad to have her back. She will be contacting others as needed to help her.
Thanks to everyone who has stepped up to teach and I look forward to bringing in more to help. When you teach you not only help others but increase your own knowledge and understanding of God’s purpose for us.
By Anne Carroll, Elder