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Elder at Large: Tommy Whigham

I was born in Macon, Ga. My family moved from Bainbridge, Ga to Lake City in 1953 around the age of 2 or 3. My father was an agent for the Railway Express and my mother, ahead of her time, was the manager of the Sears and Roebuck store. I have one daughter, Loran, who lives in Jacksonville.

I attended Columbia High School and graduated with the class of ’69 then attended Lake City Community College. I worked for the Department of Transportation for 12 years, C & G Mobile Homes for 12 years then the Columbia County Property appraiser’s office where I’m presently employed.

I was baptized at Parkview Baptist Church in July 1975 where I was active until 1985, then I joined FPCLC in 1989. I serve on the Property, Stewardship, and Columbarium Committees. I look forward to serving on the Session. It is a privilege to help the other Session members, Pastor Ken with God’s guidance make the right decisions for FPCLC.

By Tommy Whigham, Elder

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