Backpacks will start up again the second week of July, so please send in donations the first week of August. Food items needed are: CapriSun/Juice boxes, Ravioli, Vienna Sausage, Beanie Weanie, Mac-n-Cheese, Peanut Butter, Crackers, Applesauce, Fruit Cups (peaches), Fruit Snacks, Granola Bars, Pop-Tarts, Oatmeal packets, Grit packets, individual Cereal boxes, individual packs of Cookies.

The Back to School Boutique will be sending clothes, socks, etc. to children in need by the first week of August. We give them new or slightly used clothing. They get new socks and underwear. We will need them in sizes 5-12, or small-medium-large. Any of these sizes will help. We service children in Kindergarten - 5th grade.