November is right around the corner—which means the Stewardship Campaign is coming to a close soon. I hope you have prayerfully considered pledging and/or tithing. You have heard from some of our elders. It is my hope that you have seen what great ministries this church supports and why your pledge is so important. We will be doing our budget for 2022 and, as I said before, your pledge helps with that. It helps to create a more accurate budget.
Commitment Sunday is November 7. On that day, those who have not already done so, will turn in pledge cards. It will also be the day of our canned food drive. After the worship service, we will have our Fiesta-themed luncheon. If you have not made reservations, please do so (we don’t want to run out of food)! I look forward to seeing ALL of you on that day. Also, don’t forget, one lucky person will win that YETI cooler donated by Lee McDuffie from McDuffie Sporting Goods!
It will be so good to be able to fellowship again. Mark your calendar for November 7. Let’s make this a day of celebration and thanksgiving.
By Debbie Spencer, Elder