To honor Pastor Ken, by Roberta Whitaker
In Memory of our parents, Robert & Phyllis Faesy and Lily & George Whitaker, by Howard & Roberta Whitaker
In Memory of Glenn Adams, by Olivia Adams
For love of Worship, by Olivia Adams
In Memory of our parents, Herb & Sophie Ellis and Harry and Mary Beth Bookman,
by Herb & Diane Ellis
In loving memory of my husband, Walter, and our son "Skip", by Phyllis Skinner
In honor of my daughter, Mary Anne, her husband Tommy, and my grandson Justin, by Phyllis Skinner
In Honor of Ashley Baggett, by Don & Julia Baggett
In Honor of Paige Baggett, by Don & Julia Baggett
In loving memory of John Robertson, by Carole Robertson
In loving memory of Ezra Yocum, by Linda Yocum
For the beauty of worship, by Linda Yocum
In memory of my daughter, Karen Fuggatt, by Carolyn J. Stohlberg
In memory of my son, Peter Stohlberg, by Carolyn J. Stohlberg
In memory of my son who died recently, Dana Stohlberg, by Carolyn J. Stohlberg
In loving memory of Jeff Dennison and Jerry Dennison, and in honor of Jasper, Brandye, and their families, by Kitty Dennison
In memory of my parents, Mr. & Mrs. Montay Vickers, by Ginney Rankin
In loving memory of my husband, Jack, by Ginney Rankin
In memory of my parents, Fred & Elizabeth Plymale, by Debbie Spencer
In memory of our parents, Tommy & Cheryl Whigham
James Gavella (Son of Judith & Ed Benvenuti), by Judith Benvenuti
Pamela Dunn Benvenuti (Daughter of Ed & Judith Benvenuti), by Judith Benvenuti
James Montgomery, longtime beloved Teacher, and preacher, by Noah Lindsay
Mary L. Brides, dearest sister, by Noah Lindsay
In memory of our parents & to the Glory of God, by Judy & Bill MacGrath
In memory of Nan’s sister, Mary Stone, by Nan & Gene McNeill
Danny Crisswell, we miss you and love you, by Richard Gerhardt
Nellie Gerhardt, we miss you and love you. By Richard Gerhardt
Memory of our Parents and friends, by Joanne & John Zamesnik
Honor of all military who have served and are serving, by Joanne & John Zamesnik
In memory of Jane Beasley, by Debbie Baugh
In Memory of my wife, Elaine Klauber, by Gerry Klauber
In honor of our children & grandchildren, by Bill & Kathy Groover
In memory of our parents, by Bill & Kathy Groover
In memory of my husband Ritchie L Howe, by Nancy Howe
In memory of our parents, George and Willia Mann and Dorothy and Edward Kime,
by Charles and Patricia Kime
In Memory of Archie St John, by his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren
In Honor of Phyllis St John, by her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren