By Debbie Spencer, ELDER
Although we aren’t sure yet what it will look like, we do know it will be different from any other! Your gifts are as important today as ever before and we thank you for your generosity during these trying times. Your tithes, pledges, and plate offerings all combine to bring us the financial stability we’ve seen during the pandemic but also in our “normal” times of operating.
COVID-19 has drastically affected all of us and especially how we minister to the congregation and those outside the four walls of the church. Your continued support, as Pastor Ken has stated, enabled us to maintain our staff and all of our mission programs. So far, that, combined with lower than normal operating costs, has enabled us to keep our heads above water.
We are diligently and methodically going through our budgets for next year, but we are only going to be guessing because of the effects of the pandemic. As we move into September and then into the Stewardship Campaign, we ask that you prayerfully consider increasing your offering to a pledge. If you pledge, perhaps move to tithing. We also encourage you to utilize the various means of electronic giving we offer to supplement/replace envelope giving. Whatever method you use to give to the church, please bear with us as we work our way through these uncharted waters.
The Stewardship Committee is working very hard to make giving and commitment as easy as possible. Your Session is working hard to find creative ways to worship, sing, educate, and even try to find ways to fellowship together. You will hear more about that in the coming weeks from our leadership.
If you have any questions or comments, the committee members are: Debbie Spencer (chair), Teresa Allison, Nikki Hubler, Mike Millikin, Ashley Moore, Jan Osborne, Marilyn Smithy, and Tommy Whigham. Their contact information is in the directory.
Please PLAY your part; but, most of all, PRAY your part.