After 10 weeks of full worship, we still miss seeing you. It’s a blessing to be able to worship online if you are unable to join us in-person.
However, being with friends and fellow members make it so much more special. We hope you will be back with us soon. We have had several new members join these past several months. You need to meet them!
Some of our worship procedures (offering, communion, only large print bulletins for those that need them) will continue as we have been doing. You may enter the sanctuary from the Narthex or parking lot side of the Fellowship Hall.
Pastor Ken will be on study leave August 2nd to August 13th. We look forward to Johnny Brown, our Youth Director, who will be preaching on August 8th.
We still need a few more volunteers to serve as occasional ushers. Please let me know if you could help. If you would like to have communion elements at home, a member of the Worship Committee can deliver them to you.
By Roberta Whitaker, Elder