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Worship Update

So here we are again. Glad to be worshiping together although with MASKS in place. Will it never end? Yes, it will!! And prayerfully, soon. I realize it is difficult for many of us to wear those burdensome masks for an hour, but we can be together and feel closer to God in our Sanctuary. Please try to come soon.

Pastor Ken and Tim are making some major changes in the music program that we think will have a positive effect on the congregation and youth. If you cannot be there in person, be sure to watch the service via YouTube or Facebook. Let us know you are participating.

Session will be meeting via zoom every other Sunday to reevaluate the covid situation and will keep you informed. We plan to continue using the disposable communion elements for an undetermined time. Please contact me if you would like to have the elements delivered to your home.

Also, again, we are always interested in adding you to the usher list. It is easy and a great way to greet your fellow worshipers.

By Roberta Whitaker, Elder

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